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WebDAV server in C#

Setup Server

On this page you can find the explanation of how to configure your WebDAV server.


Step 1

Create a new application in Visual Studio, a console application for example.

Step 2

Add the NuGet package of the WebDAV server in your application.

Or download the WebDAV server code manually and add a reference to the .dll file of the WebDAV# server, in your application.

Step 3

To make the logger work, you first need to get the Common.Logging NuGet package. You can simply download it from the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio.

After that, you need to add the configuration for the logger. In the code below, you can find the configuration code for a console logger, but more Common.Logging configurations can be found here.

using System.Collections.Specialized;
using Common.Logging;

// create properties
NameValueCollection properties = new NameValueCollection();
properties["showDateTime"] = "true";
// set Adapter
LogManager.Adapter = new 

Step 4

The WebDAV server needs administrator rights, that is why you need to ask for them in your manifest file. Simply add the following code to the manifest, but place it as high as possible in the file. Otherwise, it might not work.

    <requestedPrivileges xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
            uiAccess="true" />

If Visual Studio doesn’t ask for Administrator rights when starting the program, just manually run Visual Studio as Administrator and open your project.

Step 5

When the configuration for the logger is implemented, and the request for administrator rights is added in the manifest file, then you can start the server.

First you need to create a new instance of the WebDavServer and add some values to the instance. The following code shows how it needs to be done. You can replace “your_local_path” with, for example: c:\. And you can replace “http://your_url_here/” with, for example: http://localhost/. Of course, you can add a port number to the URL, for example: http://localhost:3000/.

WebDavServer server =
    new WebDavServer(new WebDavDiskStore("your_local_path"));

Step 6

Run your application and you’re finished.

Sample project

You can find an example project here

Authentication configuration

The standard authentication configuration of the WebDAV# server is the Negotiate authentication scheme.