IWebDavStoreItem InterfaceWebDAV#
This interface must be implemented by classes that will function as a store item, which is either a document ( IWebDavStoreDocument) or a collection of documents ( IWebDavStoreCollection.)

Namespace: WebDAVSharp.Server.Stores
Assembly: WebDAVSharp.Server (in WebDAVSharp.Server.dll) Version: (
public interface IWebDavStoreItem

The IWebDavStoreItem type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCreationDate
Gets the creation date of this IWebDavStoreItem.
Public propertyHidden
Gets the hidden state of this IWebDavStoreItem.
Public propertyIsCollection
Gets if this IWebDavStoreItem is a collection.
Public propertyItemPath
Gets the ItemPath of this IWebDavStoreItem.
Public propertyModificationDate
Gets the modification date of this IWebDavStoreItem.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of this IWebDavStoreItem.
Public propertyParentCollection
Gets the parent IWebDavStoreCollection that owns this IWebDavStoreItem.
See Also