WebDavStatusCode EnumerationWebDAV#
Contains the values of status codes defined for Http (WebDav).

Namespace: WebDAVSharp.Server.Utilities
Assembly: WebDAVSharp.Server (in WebDAVSharp.Server.dll) Version: (
public enum WebDavStatusCode
  Member nameValueDescription
MultiStatus207 Equivalent to Http status 207 (WebDav). WebDAVSharp.Server.Utilities.WebDavStatusCode.MultiStatus provides status for multiple independent operations.
UnprocessableEntity422 Equivalent to Http status 422 (WebDav). WebDAVSharp.Server.Utilities.WebDavStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415 (UnsupportedMediaType) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (BadRequest) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions.
Locked423 Equivalent to Http status 423 (WebDav). WebDAVSharp.Server.Utilities.WebDavStatusCode.Locked means the source or destination resource of a method is locked.
FailedDependency424 Equivalent to Http status 424 (WebDav). WebDAVSharp.Server.Utilities.WebDavStatusCode.FailedDependency means that the method could not be performed on the resource because the requested action depended on another action and that action failed.
InsufficientStorage507 Equivalent to Http status 507 (WebDav). WebDAVSharp.Server.Utilities.WebDavStatusCode.InsufficientStorage means the method could not be performed on the resource because the server is unable to store the representation needed to successfully complete the request.
See Also